
Opinionated content created related to Marketing.

7 Types of Email Marketing You Need to be Using

Remember in the '80s when your mailbox was stuffed full of postcards, letters, and catalogs from every major business under the sun? Oh, the good old days of direct mail...

Rebranding vs. Brand Refresh: What’s the Difference?

You may have heard the terms "rebrand" and "refresh" before. In the world of marketing and branding, these phrases are pretty common.  Rebrand and refreshing involve making various changes to...

Do Google Reviews Help Your Rankings?

Spoiler alert...... Yes, reviews do help your rankings on Google. More specifically, good reviews, though some negative reviews are ok....but we will get to it all in a bit.  What...

What is Digital Marketing Attribution And Why Is It Important?

More often than not, there are multiple touchpoints between a brand and a consumer before a conversion, so how can companies zero in on the point that sealed the deal?...

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

It happened! You got your businesses' website designed, developed and ready to go live out into the internet world and thrive!  For many companies, once it’s been created and launched,...

Short-Form vs. Long-Form Articles: Which is Better?

Content is king. While this might be the title of an article written by none other than Bill Gates in 1996, it still rings true today.  Content is essential. Critical....
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