How To Build SEO-Friendly Angular Application

Are you planning to develop a new application for your business? Well, in that case, you need to start with the selection of the right framework. However, it can be a bit challenging. You need to look for a framework that not only delivers seamless experiences to the users but also allows you to rank high on search engine results.

One of the best frameworks for app development can be Angular. According to the latest stats by Statista, about 20.39 percent of developers around the globe prefer Angular over other frameworks. In this blog, we have covered everything you need to know about building an SEO-friendly Angular application. Let’s begin!

An Overview of Angular Framework

Before you head to understanding the ways to build SEO-friendly Angular apps, you must have an idea about the framework itself. Angular is a popular JavaScript framework widely used for the development of single-page apps. Launched back in 2009, it has gained popularity over the years.

Being an open-source framework, it is a top choice for the development of applications and websites. The best thing about this framework is that it is SEO-friendly. That means leveraging the framework can increase your chance of ranking high on the Google result page.

The Angular framework comes with several appealing features, such as templating, dependency injection, and data binding. All these features help in the easy development of the applications. The simple user interface and flexible testing ability of Angular allow you to easily develop appealing applications.

Many industries leverage the Angular framework for their application development needs. It includes sectors like Finance, Arts, Entertainment, Computer Electronics, Technology, News, and Media.

Top Benefits of Using Angular Framework for Application Development

Here are a few prominent benefits of using Angular for website and application development.

No Pre-requisite Knowledge

The best thing about Angular is that you do not require any prior knowledge to use the framework. If you are already familiar with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, you can move forward with the app development. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are also easy to learn.

Easy to Extend

The Angular framework comes with several characteristics that are easy to extend. These characteristics can help in the creation of individual directives and provide you with better customization capabilities. With easy integration of the characteristics, integration of multiple tools and applications becomes hassle-free.

Ease of Customization

Customization is one of the major benefits of using the Angular framework for website and application development. It allows you to easily add and delete features without any difficulty. So, you can easily make the desired changes as per the feedback of your customers.

Moreover, the Angular framework enables you to avoid unwanted elements in the applications. So, you can build applications with user-friendly features.

Simple Architecture

The Angular framework comes with a simple architecture. As a result, it minimizes the complexity of coding and design for the developers. You can easily add the desired features and ensure meeting the client’s requirements in the best possible way.

Ways to Build SEO-friendly Angular Applications

Now that you have a fundamental idea about the Angular framework, it is time to explore the ways to build SEO-friendly Angular applications. Here is a list of the vital SEO aspects that you need to keep in mind and implement in the Angular applications. Let’s discover!

Meta Tags

When talking about SEO, meta tags are one of the major aspects to consider. It plays an important role in ensuring proper indexing of your content by search engines.

When developing Angular applications, you must add appropriate meta tags to the HTML pages. It will ensure that your content on the application is properly indexed. Also, you can leverage the ng-meta library of the Angular framework for adding metadata to the HTML pages.

Some of the common functions you can use include addTags(), updateTag(), removeTagElement(), and removeTag().

Meta Data

Next to meta tags, another important SEO aspect to consider is the metadata. It can help significantly improve your ranking on search engines. So, make sure to add metadata to all the pages of your Angular application.

Moreover, ensure that when a user moves through your application, the metadata will change dynamically. It can enhance the visibility of your websites and applications.

Optimise Images

No doubt, engaging content is at the core of the success of websites and applications. However, having only content without any images may not help in retaining more users. To grab the attention of people, adding images is a must.

Therefore, when building Angular applications, you are likely to add attractive images to different pages. But for increasing your ranking on the search engine, optimizing the images is important. With Angular, image optimization is quite simple and easy.

All you need to do is make use of the Angular image processing library. It can help you effectively compress and resize the images on your application. Moreover, it also provides lazy loading image support.

Resizing the images is not sufficient. But you also need to add alt-text to the images. It will enable your website to acquire a higher rank on the search engine result page. Not just that, it can also help in enhancing the loading speed of your website. As a result, retaining more users and driving traffic becomes easy.

Optimize Visibility

Visibility optimization is yet another important element of SEO. One of the best ways to improve the visibility of Angular applications is to add links to other websites. However, make sure to get high-quality and authentic links for better visibility.

You may also create a sitemap and then submit it to the search engines. Angular simplifies the process of creating a sitemap. Moreover, it comes with many tools and libraries that allow you to easily submit the sitemap to search engines.

Real-time Rendering

The applications and websites built with the Angular framework acquire data through API requests. This can prove to be a barrier to making your applications and websites SEO-friendly. An ideal solution to the problem is to leverage a dynamic rendering tool.

The rendering tools can help in producing static HTML files. As a result, the chances are high that your website and application will get indexed by the search engine.

Dynamic URLs

Having SEO-friendly URLs is also important for ranking on the search engine result page. You can leverage Angular router for creating SEO-friendly URLs. It makes it easy for you to create dynamic URLs depending on the current state of the application.

With appropriate URLs, the accessibility to your content may not be improved. However, it provides credibility to your sites and makes them reliable. In case you want to increase your reach on search engines, it is ideal to add keywords to the URLs.


By now, you must have gained a comprehensive idea about building SEO-friendly Angular applications. Focusing on the above-listed elements can help your websites and application rank higher on the search engine result page. In case you find it difficult to develop SEO-friendly Angular apps, it is best to collaborate with the experts.

With years of experience and expertise, the professionals can offer you top-notch guidance and support. Build SEO-friendly Angular applications and connect with a wide target audience better.